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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chapter 3

There are many principles important for education but I would like to discuss three that are important to me. First, Active learning is important because kids need to be engaged and encouraged. If video games will engage the learner then we must incorporate this idea. Second, the principle of Identity is important because this allows students to make real world choices. Virtual identity is a form of online identity where the learner can see themselves in a real world setting. Third, the Discovery principle will allow the student to make their own discovery and when student discover their own things they retain the information better.

Simulations are a very useful form of learning. In my college history class we simulated the early settlers coming to America and the students were engaged in this activity because it was a new form of learning. I like the Urban simulation because this is a virtual city block where normal everyday life is happening. For instance you are in a First Aid and Safety Class, one Variable could be manipulated in this because you could add real life situations like if you wanted to manipulate someone needing help, you could call 911 and tell them what type of help you need and where you are.

In Conclusion, both learning principles and simulations go together and should be discussed in the classroom. These topics are also good blog topics because you can interact more effectively. Chapter 3 in the book Meaningful Learning With Technology was very good in explaining useful learning principles and simulations.

Jonasse D., Howland J., Marra R. M., & Crismond D. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.


  1. you and I seem to agree on the most important principles. All of the principles have their uses but I feel that Active Criticle Learning, Identity and Discovery seem to stand out and can get and keep students more engaged in their own learning process.

  2. I completely agree with you on this. I think the active priciple is the most important. IT is the best way to keep the students involved and excited about learning. I like your simulation idea as well.
