My Blog List

Friday, November 26, 2010

Week 13: Online -Thanksgiving

A teacher is a designer from the very start of their profession. From the beginning of the school year a teacher is busy at work setting up the classroom so that the learning environment will be as effective as possible. When the classroom is set up then the teacher must be at work designing effective teaching programs in order to use classroom time wisely. It is important to design the class and lesson in a way to engage the learners.

A program that I feel would be useful in the class room is "Sketch Up." I like this program because it can generate interest in design and building. A student can design the interior or exterior of a house or building. One can even use this tool as a landscaping devise and design and overall project by planting trees and shrubs. Sketch up allows the learning designer to actually see what is going on in their own personal design.

Digital story telling is where the students work together on a digital project like a movie. Each student will have their own role and part in making it all come together. They will collaborate with on another expressing their ideas in a digital setting and once the script is complete they will watch and share it with the other students to see how well they did. I feel this would be a useful tool that would engage the learners because it allows them to share their work with other students.

Another strategy that the book discusses in helping students with math is a program called "TinkerPlots." This allows the students to visualize the data and move it around digitally. "TinkerPlots" is a program designed for students grade 4-8 which allows them to reason with data. "TinkerPlots" allows the students to visualize graphs and become more familiar with modern technology.

I feel that students can not learn from TV alone. Everything must be in moderation too much of anything is not good. Some students are hands on learners like myself it is better for me to actually do the assignment than hear or see about it. Too much TV makes one lazy.

Jonasse D., Howland J., Marra R. M., & Crismond D. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chapter 3

There are many principles important for education but I would like to discuss three that are important to me. First, Active learning is important because kids need to be engaged and encouraged. If video games will engage the learner then we must incorporate this idea. Second, the principle of Identity is important because this allows students to make real world choices. Virtual identity is a form of online identity where the learner can see themselves in a real world setting. Third, the Discovery principle will allow the student to make their own discovery and when student discover their own things they retain the information better.

Simulations are a very useful form of learning. In my college history class we simulated the early settlers coming to America and the students were engaged in this activity because it was a new form of learning. I like the Urban simulation because this is a virtual city block where normal everyday life is happening. For instance you are in a First Aid and Safety Class, one Variable could be manipulated in this because you could add real life situations like if you wanted to manipulate someone needing help, you could call 911 and tell them what type of help you need and where you are.

In Conclusion, both learning principles and simulations go together and should be discussed in the classroom. These topics are also good blog topics because you can interact more effectively. Chapter 3 in the book Meaningful Learning With Technology was very good in explaining useful learning principles and simulations.

Jonasse D., Howland J., Marra R. M., & Crismond D. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 7

Chapter four discussed how important it is to use concept maps in the classroom. This is one activity that I would incorporate into my classroom. As a teacher of physical education teacher I would use mapping for students to help understand how important exercise is. Using concept maps on the computer is a fast productive way for the students to organize their thoughts.

I like power points and I think they would be very helpful in the classroom. They are a good way for student to visualize information and take correct notes with proper spelling. A power point should have useful information and not be too busy. If a power point is too busy it can be a distraction to the class and be a waste of time. Also if a power point is not put together in an engaging manner it can cause students to lose focus. One pitfall that the book mentioned is not to have too many slides and I think that I can avoid this pitfall.

In conclusion mapping and power points are useful technology in the classroom. Power points used correctly are very educational. The book Meaningful Learning with Technology is very useful in pointing out how the tools can help in the classroom. I plan to apply these useful strategies when I am in the classroom instructing.

Jonassen, D. Howland, J. Marra, R. M. Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Merrill Prentice Hill.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chapter 2 Blog

I think that personal digital assistants are very useful. I have always had a cell phone but now I have a phone that is connected to the internet. This has made things more accessible as far as gathering information.(PDA's)are personal computers and they are needed in the classroom because just the other day an instructor in my Psy.300 class needed help in answering a question and one of the students was able to assist. Computers are being made more efficient to serve students better with learning.

Online surveys are useful in gathering information that can serve to be useful people. We use classroom surveys in many ways: ex. a teacher evaluation. When creating a survey it is important not to be bias and ask appropriate questions. I like to take surveys because I feel the information will be used effectively.

Overall I think that personal digital assistants will be increasing in the future. I enjoy having information at the palm of my hand. Surveys are also going to be increasing in the future. Chapter 2 had some good information regarding these two topics. I am excited to be learning about technology.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful learning with technology. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Spreadsheets are very useful in the class room. Whether you are using it for a grade book or just using it for keeping records. I have to admit I was a little afraid to use it at first simply because I had never used it before. With careful instructions I was able to navigate and somewhat become more familiar with using Excel and spreadsheet.

We use spreadsheets because they are better at keeping records. For instance as a teacher using Excel for a grade book will be much more efficient because you can program the document to figure the average of multiple grades much more efficiently than using a calculator. Spreadsheets do have three primary functions keeping records, calculator, and charts. I think spreadsheets are multifunctional and have many uses because the more one becomes familiar with using Excel the more they will find new uses.

Jonassen, D. Howland, J. Marra, R. M. Crismond, D. (2008). Maeningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Merrill Prentice Hill.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Inspirtation Learning Tool

                Inspiration is a good tool for the classroom.  This will help students to comprehend better.  With technology advancing everyday it is important to be as knowledgeable as possible.  I am interested in learning more about inspiration and how to use inspiration in the classroom. 
                It is important to learn how to write in the classroom.  I enjoy creative writing so I think this would be a good tool to use with technology.  I understand that proper use of time is important in the classroom.  The use of technology would be a fast way for a student to read and give a peer review over another student’s paper.  I remember the first time I had to teach.  I did not do very well but as I went along I seem to get better.  I think it is like anything else because practice makes perfect.  The same is true for technology and learning new tools for understanding.
                I hope to understand and use the Inspiration program.  I think the Inspiration program will be helpful in the classroom.  I am new to this, but I know it is important to understand new technology.   I think a visual map will help in learning.
Jonassen, D. (1999). Meaningful learning with technology, (Ed.).UpperSaddleriver,NJ:Pearson.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

charles evans

Hi, My name is Charles Weston Evans and I am excited to learn how to blog.  I am looking forward to a great fall semester in ETEC.   Hope everyone is having fun with the blog stuff.  I like dogs too.

charles evans class blog

I think using a blog is cool, but I do not have a clue as to what I am doing. I am sure that blogs will be useful for education because if you do not know the answer to something maybe you could get some help from other postings. Using blogs in the classroom is useful to students once they learn how to use the technology effectively.

I feel that using blogs in the class room would be good for education. One thing that would be a set back would be teaching how to properly use it as a tool. Once the kids become familiar they would be able to use it effectively. Blogs can be full of knowledge of other peoples views and ideas.

I think that blogging will be useful in today's classroom and also blogs build knowledge because it is a useful way to chat with other people without having a formal visit. With technology advancing everyday it important to keep up. I think blogging is on the increase.

Jonasse D., Howland J., Marra R. M., & Crismond D. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.